When placing Hog Rider down, putting another card like Skeletons in front of him means enemies will have less time to slow him down.Cannon also is a good defence against enemy Hog Riders when they have similar decks to you.You chip away at the enemy with Hog Rider and Valkyrie. Goblins can distract troops trying to take down your Golem.Archers can help take down air from afar but should be backed up by other air cards.When the Golem is closer to the bridge support it with troops behind such as Wizard and use Fireball to get rid of smaller buildings that distract the Golem.

Golem can be placed at the back to give it time to load up.Place the elixir collector behind the Princess Towers for extra protection.Wizard’s splash damage is good against swarm cards.Minion Horde can take down ground cards quickly.Elixir collector is a great advantage for getting your Golem out quicker.It costs a lot but is certainly worth it if played patiently! Cycle with Ice Spirit but if they use a similar deck then be sure to use it against Goblin Barrels if your Log isn’t in cycle.Inferno Tower and Knight are for defence but Rocket works too if needed.If they have a good solution to your Barrel, try throwing it further into the corner or right at the back to trick opponents.Make sure your Goblin Barrel is directly over the tower, so the Goblins split up, that way if they use a card it takes longer to kill all three.